Weiqin Yang

M.S. in Computer Science, Zhejiang University


Zhejiang University

Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China


I am a Master student in College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Jiawei Chen. I am also a member of The State Key Laboratory of Blockchain and Data Security, Zhejiang University, led by CAE.Academician. Chun Chen.

I received my Bachelor’s degree from School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University. During my undergraduate studies, I worked with Prof. Ranran Huang on Bioinformatics.

Currently, my research interests lie in Recommender Systems (RS), especially in Recommendation Loss and Large Language Model (LLM) Recommendation.


Jul 12, 2024 One paper is accepted by Micro. Biotec.. :page_facing_up:
Jun 13, 2024 Win the Finalist #54 in the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition. :1st_place_medal: :tada:
Dec 01, 2023 Awarded the 2023 National Scholarship at Shandong University. :trophy: :tada:
Jul 05, 2023 One paper is accepted by Front. Microbiol.. :page_facing_up:
Dec 01, 2022 Awarded the 2022 National Scholarship at Shandong University. :trophy: :tada:

latest posts

Jul 19, 2024 My First Tiny Dream

selected publications

  1. Front. Microbiol.
    EVMP: Enhancing machine learning models for synthetic promoter strength prediction by Extended Vision Mutant Priority framework
    Weiqin YangDexin Li, and Ranran Huang*
    Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023
  2. Micro. Biotec.
    Exploring the secrets of marine microorganisms: Unveiling secondary metabolites through metagenomics
    Shaoyu Wang , Xinyan Li, Weiqin Yang, and Ranran Huang*
    Microbial Biotechnology, 2024